"Try to understand what they mean. Manhattan Project, Los Alamos, Trinity."
#NTlive 水滴影院# A Pure Epic Story. 舞美、音乐包括仅有的三个演员无一不彰显作品的简洁发力点在故事上最有意思的是演员既是第一人称的表演者又是第三人称的叙事者它能同时提供给你作为亲历者与旁观者的双重视角 表演太干净了几个神情就能塑造出鲜明的角色像旋转八音盒般的玻璃小屋神仙设计最厉害的是台词的节奏感和情节的取舍JEALOUSVUE成熟50MAOFF - 老狼这个故事本身就太壮阔了每一代人都在重复上一代的经历仅仅语境不同而已这世上永远不存在常胜将军只要你还在战场终有战败的那一天被性格抑或是时间打败
[4.0/5.0] "While the film was dismissed by U.S. reviewers, the French Cahiers du cinéma critics praised Kiss Me Deadly's hysterically expressionist style and singular power, as then-critic François Truffaut declared Aldrich the revelation of 1955." https://tinyurl.com/7ulhucv