爱情是化学反应失恋是戒断反应这个说法蛮有意思可是我已经变成愤世嫉俗的初阶段成年人了已经失去感怀一切的能力我的敏感和脆弱好像已经成为了上一辈子的事以至于看这部电影让我几次都烦得不行我总感觉这部电影被导演描绘的特矫情而我已经不喜欢这种感觉了好在最后男主的文字挽救了电影两星的命运一起来看流星雨背景音乐尤其是这一句——“Scars would not remind us of what's been broken,but rather of what's been created.”
The sheepish wounded boy, the Holden Caulfied kind of girl, the deluded manipulated revenger... once again such a fascinating thriller. She’s not his answer. He’s not to her rescue. 但在这个糟透的世界尽头 仍然会有一片大自然 where people are hopelessly and doggedly doomed to be in love 还有比这更难更美好的事情吗