黑人视角下的 “楚门的世界” 及反抗同化优于毁灭复制阴谋人种进化论幽默成分克制诡异成分太直白影像质感挺迷人结尾响起 Erykah Badu 的音乐时还真被我猜到了
戈达尔玩得真开才华横溢啊沉默不到一分钟;美国人9分45秒参观完卢浮宫;阿瑟总盯着自己的脚但心里想的却是奥迪尔的嘴和她的甜吻;奥迪尔想知道小伙子们有没有注意她的胸脯在毛衣下颤动;弗朗茨什么都想但又好像什么都没想他寻思是整个世界变成一场梦新诛仙之回眸百年还是梦变成了这世界Band of Outsiders
a story about a bunch of muscular nordic dudes with heavy English accents angrily hacking each other to death ( due to the lack of a one-child policy ). I don't feel much for those dudes with questionable mental stability, but I feel sorry for the horse who got its head chopped off for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. R.I.P horse.